Terms & Conditions – Sabrina Dehoff
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Terms & Conditions

Terms & Conditions

1. Preamble

The provision of all goods and services for the customer by Sabrina Dehoff is carried out exclusively on the basis of the following terms and conditions in the version valid at the time the order is placed. The agreement is made in German or English.

2. Making an offer and completing a purchasing agreement. 

Written and verbal offers made by Sabrina Dehoff are subject to confirmation and are non-binding. The offers made available by Sabrina Dehoff in the online shop are to be understood as invitations to make offers on the part of those customers making use of this service. The customer makes a binding offer once he has completed the whole online order process by clicking on the button "Place your Order" at the last step of the order process. The purchase agreement will come into effect only when the goods have been dispatched. The customer receives an automated confirmation with all the important information (wording) by E-Mail.

3. Prices and payment

All prices include 19% VAT, and those prices are valid that are quoted at the time the order is placed. The validity of our limited offers is specified next to the relevant item in the online shop. However, it can occur that in spite of adequate stock control procedures, articles offered within the framework of a special offer are sold out more quickly than expected. Consequently, we do not guarantee delivery. All offers are made on the basis of "only as long as stocks are available". The purchase price is due for payment once the goods and the invoice have been received. Payment can be made by credit card, cash in advance or PayPal. If it is made by credit card, the invoice amount is provisionally debited to your credit card account, the debit being finalised when the goods have left the warehouse. Sabrina Dehoff reserves the right to exclude particular forms of payment.

4. Delivery costs

Delivery costs will be charged according to order value and destination as per particulars given below. It can happen that for some deliveries abroad additional customs duty will be charged.

We ship with Deutsche Post/DHL as insured parcel.

5. Delivery

We will process your order as fast as possible, usually within a day for an order placed before 3 pm. Depending on the destiny allow 2-3 working days for shipping within Germany. Other destinations please check per Country and Shipping method. Possible exceptions are specified on the product detail page. Should the ordered goods not be available, we reserve the right not to deliver them. In this case, we shall inform the customer without delay and return any payments made, also without delay.

Christmas Delivery: during Christmas time we ship all orders upon availibility (orders until 18°°) same day or day after. Last day of shipping before Christmas is the 20th of December, orders must be placed until 19th of December midnight. Time for delivery depending on the destiny and shipping method. Regular shipping per registered letter. Germany: 1-2 working days. Europe: 5-7 working days. World: 7- 15 working days. For any queries please contact us directly at shop@sabrinadehoff.com

6. Retention of title

Sabrina Dehoff retains title to the goods until payment has been made in full.

7. Withdrawal instruction

The customer is entitled to withdraw from the contract in writing (e.g. letter fax, email) or by returning the goods within two weeks (by instruction before conclusion of the contract) or one month (by instruction following conclusion of the contract) without giving reasons. The deadline begins no earlier than on the date the instruction was received. The revocation or returned goods shall be considered timely if dispatched within the defined period. The revocation request or returned goods should be sent to:

Mail address:

Sabrina Dehoff

Auguststr.26 A

10117 Berlin

+49 30-97004160


In the case of an effective revocation the either party is obliged to return any performance received. If the customer is unable to return the received performance fully or is only able to return it in a damaged condition, they are required to pay compensation when required. This is not applicable for the surrender of goods if the damage to the goods is attributable to testing as it might have been performed at a retail shop. In addition to this, the requirement to pay damages can be avoided if the customer avoids using the goods as an owner and refrains from any action, which may reduce their value.

When exercising the right of revocation the customer will bear the cost of returning the goods, unless the delivered goods are not the same as the goods ordered. The customer is required to return the goods within two weeks after exercising their right of revocation if the right has not already been exercised by returning the goods.

8. Conditions of the guarantee

The German legal provisions relating to guarantees are applicable. Guarantees subject to these provisions are given for two years. Should Sabrina Dehoff give a special guarantee, the legal provisions relating to guarantees in general remain unaffected. Excluded from the guarantee is any damage arising from normal wear and tear, lack of proper handling, and insufficient or incorrect care and maintenance.

9. Data protection

Our practice with respect to data protection complies with the German Federal Law relating to Data Protection (BDSG) and also the German Laws for Telemedia Services (TMG). The customer agrees to Sabrina Dehoff processing, storing and analysing customer data within the legally permitted framework for data arising in connection with the business relationship. The customer has a right to be informed of the extent of storage of his data and also has the right to correct, delete or bar access to any of his stored data.

Sabrina Dehoff stores and uses customer and purchase order data exclusively for processing orders and any complaints arising from them, but can use additional data if the customer would like to make use of additional services (e.g. customer account, newsletter subscription, taking part in a competition). Data will be passed on to companies retained for delivering ordered goods only to the extent that this is necessary for the complete order process. In all other cases the data will be treated strictly confidentially and not made available to third parties.

10. Place of fulfilment and of jurisdiction

German law is applicable. If the customer is a legal entity in the sense of the German commercial code, the place of jurisdiction for all claims in connection with the business relationship is the municipality in which Sabrina Dehoff's principal place of business is situated. In business dealings with consumers (natural persons), the consumer's place of jurisdiction (i.e. the municipality in which the consumer has his residence) is also responsible for contractual disputes. In business dealings with consumers, the law applicable to the consumer's place of jurisdiction is valid as long as it unambiguously deals with provisions for consumer rights.

11. Severability clause

Should any individual provisions in the above options terms be or become invalid, either in part or in full, or impracticable, this will not affect the validity of the other provisions. The invalid or impracticable provision will be replaced by a ruling that is as close as possible in economic purpose to the invalid or impracticable provision in a legally effective and practicable form. The same will also apply in the event of any unintended omissions.

Sabrina Dehoff

Auguststr.26 A

10117 Berlin


+49 (0) 30-97004160

(Mo-Sa 12:00 bis 19:00 Uhr)


VAT identification number pursuant to the German law concerning VAT article 27a:
UST ID NR. /VAT NR.: DE814615056

Content Responsibility in compliance with § 6 MDStV:

Sabrina Dehoff


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